Buku ini di karang oleh Jeffrey Winesett bulan November tahun 2012 lalu, buku ini berisi tentang Auto-generate skeleton web applications as well as CRUD scaffolding for the domain object model using the built-in command-line interface, Use Yii database migrations to version and manage your database changes, Create user-based applications with Yii's authentication model, Enhance your user-based application to control a user's access to feature functionality, Write an administrative console application to extend the features provided by Yii's powerful command-line tools, Integrate other frameworks and libraries into a Yii application to further extend its feature set, Spend less time managing application configuration by taking advantage of Yii's sensible defaults and conventions.
Learn how easy it is to implement a multi-user application by utilizing Yii's authentication and role-based authorization models, Update your code to properly manage the user's last login time and store it in the database. Buku Yii ini bisa anda dapatkan secara gratis dengan mengunduh link download diatas.
Yii Application Development Cookbook (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
Buku ini dikarang oleh Alexander Makarov dan diterbitkan Packt Publishing pada Mei 2013. Buku ini menyediakan versi ebooknya secara gratis dan dapat anda unduh secara cuma-cuma. Buku ini meliputi 13 BAB/ bahasan. Apabila anda adalah seorang pengembang dan sering menggunakan PHP 5 maka buku ini cocok anda gunakan.
The Yii framework is a rapidly growing PHP5 MVC framework often referred to as Rails for PHP. It has already become a solid base for many exciting web applications such as Stay.com and can be a good base for your developments, too. This book will help you to learn Yii quickly and in more depth for use in for your developments.
"Yii Application Development Cookbook" will show you how to use Yii efficiently. You will learn about taking shortcuts using core features, creating your own reusable code base, using test driven development, and many more topics that will give you a lot of experience in a moderate amount of time.
The second edition fixes all errata found in the first edition and also features new recipes on the client side, HTTP caching, and using Composer with Yii.
Yii Rapid Application Development Hotshot (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
Buku karangan Lauren O'Meara dan James Hamilton ini diterbitkan oleh Packt Publishing bulan December 2012 dan tersedia versi ebooknya secara gratis. Buku ini memuat serangkaian proyek untuk membantu Anda mempelajari Yii dan Rapid Application Development. Hal ini dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah buku hebat untuk mencari konsep-konsep kunci, atau bekerja pada proyek-proyek dari awal sampai akhir untuk aplikasi web yang lengkap.
Catapult your application into existence with Yii's scaffolding capabilities, Mobilize your web application with Yii and jQuery Mobile, Lock down areas of your application with access control, Manage users and permission levels, Incorporate Software as a Service into your application, Gamify your data, Mine your information with data query jobs and reporting, Reuse your work as Yii modules.
Menjelajah Yii Framework (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
Buku karangan salah satu pegawai Badan Pusat Statistik yaitu Sabit Huraira diterbitkan sendiri dalam blog pribadinya. Ebook ini membahas tentang pembuatan forum yang didalamnya menjelaskan instalasi yii, level akses user, thread tebaik, penggunaan yii bootstrap, dll sangat cocok untuk pemula. Ebook ini disertai dengan source code dari pembuatnya.
Prakata dari pengarang sebagai berikut: Bagi rekan-rekan komunitas yang tertarik mempelajari Yii Framework, saya telah membuat sebuah ebook Yii Framework yang isinya adalah beberapa bahasan menyangkut Yii Framework beserta contoh source code pembuatan aplikasi forum menggunakan Yii Framework. Ebook ini sendiri saya tujukan untuk komunitas Yii Framework Indonesia, karena itu isi dari ebook ini sendiri saya kemas dalam bahasa Indonesia agar rekan-rekan dapat lebih mudah mempelajari dan memahami materi di dalamnya. Setahu saya ini adalah ebook PERTAMA Yii Framework yang berbahasa Indonesia. Untuk mendapatkan ebook ini, anda tidak perlu merogoh kocek sedikitpun.
Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP 5 (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
This book is a step by step tutorial in developing a real-world application using the incremental and iterative approach to software development. You learn about agile software development by leaning on the agile nature of the Yii application development framework. You touch on each aspect of the software development lifecycle by building a project task management application from concept through production deployment.
After a brief, general introduction to the Yii framework and outlining the software development approach taken throughout the book, the chapters break down in the same way as software development iterations do in real-world projects. After the 1st iteration, you will have a working and tested application with a valid, tested connection to a database.
In the 2nd and 3rd iterations, we flesh out our main database entities and domain object model and become familiar with Yii's object-relational-mapping (ORM) layer, Active Record. We also learn how to lean on Yii's auto-generation tools to automatically build our create/read/update/delete (CRUD) functionality against our newly created model. These iterations also focus on how Yii's form validation and submission model works. By the end of the third iteration you will have a working application that allows you to mange projects and issues (tasks) within those projects.
The 4th and 5th iterations are dedicated to user management. We learn about the built-in authentication model within Yii to assist in application login and logout functionality. We then dive into the authorization model, first taking advantage of a Yii's simple access control model, then implementing the more sophisticated role-based access control (RBAC) framework that Yii provides.
Learn how easy it is to implement a multi-user application by utilizing Yii's authentication and role-based authorization models, Update your code to properly manage the user's last login time and store it in the database. Buku Yii ini bisa anda dapatkan secara gratis dengan mengunduh link download diatas.
Yii Application Development Cookbook (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
Buku ini dikarang oleh Alexander Makarov dan diterbitkan Packt Publishing pada Mei 2013. Buku ini menyediakan versi ebooknya secara gratis dan dapat anda unduh secara cuma-cuma. Buku ini meliputi 13 BAB/ bahasan. Apabila anda adalah seorang pengembang dan sering menggunakan PHP 5 maka buku ini cocok anda gunakan.
The Yii framework is a rapidly growing PHP5 MVC framework often referred to as Rails for PHP. It has already become a solid base for many exciting web applications such as Stay.com and can be a good base for your developments, too. This book will help you to learn Yii quickly and in more depth for use in for your developments.
"Yii Application Development Cookbook" will show you how to use Yii efficiently. You will learn about taking shortcuts using core features, creating your own reusable code base, using test driven development, and many more topics that will give you a lot of experience in a moderate amount of time.
The second edition fixes all errata found in the first edition and also features new recipes on the client side, HTTP caching, and using Composer with Yii.
Yii Rapid Application Development Hotshot (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
Buku karangan Lauren O'Meara dan James Hamilton ini diterbitkan oleh Packt Publishing bulan December 2012 dan tersedia versi ebooknya secara gratis. Buku ini memuat serangkaian proyek untuk membantu Anda mempelajari Yii dan Rapid Application Development. Hal ini dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah buku hebat untuk mencari konsep-konsep kunci, atau bekerja pada proyek-proyek dari awal sampai akhir untuk aplikasi web yang lengkap.
Catapult your application into existence with Yii's scaffolding capabilities, Mobilize your web application with Yii and jQuery Mobile, Lock down areas of your application with access control, Manage users and permission levels, Incorporate Software as a Service into your application, Gamify your data, Mine your information with data query jobs and reporting, Reuse your work as Yii modules.
Menjelajah Yii Framework (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
Buku karangan salah satu pegawai Badan Pusat Statistik yaitu Sabit Huraira diterbitkan sendiri dalam blog pribadinya. Ebook ini membahas tentang pembuatan forum yang didalamnya menjelaskan instalasi yii, level akses user, thread tebaik, penggunaan yii bootstrap, dll sangat cocok untuk pemula. Ebook ini disertai dengan source code dari pembuatnya.
Prakata dari pengarang sebagai berikut: Bagi rekan-rekan komunitas yang tertarik mempelajari Yii Framework, saya telah membuat sebuah ebook Yii Framework yang isinya adalah beberapa bahasan menyangkut Yii Framework beserta contoh source code pembuatan aplikasi forum menggunakan Yii Framework. Ebook ini sendiri saya tujukan untuk komunitas Yii Framework Indonesia, karena itu isi dari ebook ini sendiri saya kemas dalam bahasa Indonesia agar rekan-rekan dapat lebih mudah mempelajari dan memahami materi di dalamnya. Setahu saya ini adalah ebook PERTAMA Yii Framework yang berbahasa Indonesia. Untuk mendapatkan ebook ini, anda tidak perlu merogoh kocek sedikitpun.
Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP 5 (DEMO | DOWNLOAD)
This book is a step by step tutorial in developing a real-world application using the incremental and iterative approach to software development. You learn about agile software development by leaning on the agile nature of the Yii application development framework. You touch on each aspect of the software development lifecycle by building a project task management application from concept through production deployment.
After a brief, general introduction to the Yii framework and outlining the software development approach taken throughout the book, the chapters break down in the same way as software development iterations do in real-world projects. After the 1st iteration, you will have a working and tested application with a valid, tested connection to a database.
In the 2nd and 3rd iterations, we flesh out our main database entities and domain object model and become familiar with Yii's object-relational-mapping (ORM) layer, Active Record. We also learn how to lean on Yii's auto-generation tools to automatically build our create/read/update/delete (CRUD) functionality against our newly created model. These iterations also focus on how Yii's form validation and submission model works. By the end of the third iteration you will have a working application that allows you to mange projects and issues (tasks) within those projects.
The 4th and 5th iterations are dedicated to user management. We learn about the built-in authentication model within Yii to assist in application login and logout functionality. We then dive into the authorization model, first taking advantage of a Yii's simple access control model, then implementing the more sophisticated role-based access control (RBAC) framework that Yii provides.